9 Great Places to Meet Someone If You’re Tired of Being Chronically Single

Listen, if you're reading this while sitting at home doom scrolling and already on your seventh "God when" of the day, we need to talk. Valentine's Day might have you wondering if those who get a room full of roses have two heads, they don't (we've checked).
Between your aunt asking "when will you bring someone home?" at every family gathering and your Instagram feed filled with annoying teddy bears, ridiculously oversized flower bouquets, and couples who have taken up all the good restaurant reservations, it's enough to make anyone want to give up and become a monk. The way we see it, you have 2 options: Spend the next year wallowing again, or read this and change your miserable fate.
If you're leaning more towards the second option, there are plenty of places to meet potential partners (the kind who actually have sense). We spoke to a few people and have curated a list of places where you can find your forever valentine.

One of the first things they tell you when you work a 9-5 is that your coworkers aren't your friends, and that the infamous "we're family here" is the beginning of serious shege. But while they said coworkers can’t be friends, nobody said anything about being more than friends. One day you’re hitching a ride after work, and the next, you’re sharing inside jokes over lunch breaks.
Anyway, you don't have to take our word for it. Here's what Zara has to say about finding her partner: "We met at a law firm during my service year. He was dealing with a breakup, I became his unofficial therapist, and somewhere between giving relationship advice and debating about case files and pop culture, I found my favorite person. Talk about an unexpected plot twist."
Find a Community

Chioma says: "I met my partner playing flag football. We played for the same team, but we didn't get together until we both left for other teams. Maybe he didn't want to be with me while we were on the same team lol. But that's how we met, and I can think of at least a few other couples who met in that league and got married."
So book clubs, sports clubs, swimming clubs, tennis clubs, wine drinking clubs, hiking clubs, it doesn't matter. If you're keen to meet new people, you could consider becoming part of a club or group, or attending some one-off events. Not only will you meet people, but sharing a particular interest can help take away some of the anxiousness and awkwardness. So find your tribe. It just makes the work easier.
Spend Time With Your Creator
If worshipping the man upstairs is not enough to get you to church, maybe the possibility of finding ‘the one’ will. I'm sure he won't mind either way as long as you're there. I mean if Kayode's experience is anything to go by: "Church activities were my unexpected matchmaker. I joined the youth ministry to serve God, but God had other plans. She was leading praise and worship, and I was leading my heart right to her."
Meet Your Friends' Friends
Most people cringe at the idea of being set up by their friends, poor judgment being reason #1, but before dating apps and social media, a lot of people would just meet people "through friends." Ask your friends and their partners if they know anyone that they could set you up with. They may have never thought about playing matchmaker before, and this could plant an idea in their head.
Taofeek says, "Link-up also works. Like your friend might connect you to their sister/brother, or someone they know well like their wife/husband's friend, or something like that."

If you went through uni without finding the love of your life, your next best option is NYSC camp. What better way for people to come together as one than through suffering and sorrow?
Believe us when we say one of the greatest uniters of people is a common and shared pain, and with compulsory daily devotions, SAED lectures, and multiple clubs you're expected to join, there's many chances for you to strike up conversations about your bunkmate who doesn't shower. Between marching for parade and sharing a plate of amala in mammy market, you may just find the love of your life.
Text Your Ex

It may not have worked out for Ben Affleck and J.Lo, but it may work out for you. Text your ex and see where it leads you. Maybe your story will finally change and you'll do Happy Valentine's Day 2026.

The gym is the place you go to get buff, stay healthy, or both. It's also a great place to meet people. "I always say to people that the gym is literally my dating app. I started working out consistently in March 2024 and since joining the gym, 65% of the dates I have been on have been with people I either met at my gym's parking lot or walking to the gym. None of it has worked out because some people might say I have unrealistic expectations for romance, but that's neither here nor there." - Derin
We can’t be the only ones who have spotted someone interesting in the fruit and veg aisle and hoped for a moment of eye contact. The supermarket is a natural place to strike up a conversation, and you can tell a lot about a person from what is in their cart.
So next time you are at the supermarket, keep your eyes and ears open. You never know who you might meet between the aisles.
Say Yes to Events You're Invited To
The number one thing that will hold you back from meeting someone is having the exact same routine week after week. To break yourself out of a routine rut, try to say yes to any event you’re invited to, birthday parties, weddings, or random gatherings your friends are putting together. This opens up the opportunity to come across people you wouldn't have met otherwise.
Michael says, “To be honest, if you didn't meet someone in Uni, it's damn near impossible after that. That said, shopping malls (supermarkets really), gyms or any sports ground, your friend's wedding, your parents' anniversary party where they invite their friends and those friends come with their children. Book club, Karaoke bar etc”
Anyway, whether you listen to us or not, you deserve to have a good time this weekend. And if you're not single and you need help with last-minute plans, check out our events this weekend guide.