How We Did It: We Sold Out Our Stargazing Events

How We Did It: We Sold Out Our Stargazing Events
Telescope viewing event of the Partial Lunar Eclipse

Did you know there’s an active community of stargazers and Space astrologers in Nigeria?

This month's creator spotlight focuses on Daniel Obi-Okeke and Segun Olusoji, childhood friends turned co-founders who launched Space Bar Africa, one of Nigeria's foremost Space-interested and Stargazing hosting communities. Keep reading to learn more about this duo's challenges, successes, dreams and how they have sold out all their events using Tix.

F: Hi guys! Please introduce yourselves.

D: My name is Daniel Obi-Okeke. I'm the co-founder of Space Bar Africa and work as the IT Lead for an Armouring Company.

S: My name is Segun. I'm also a co-founder of Space Bar Africa, and I work as a Data Analyst/IT Finance Personnel

F: How did you begin Space Bar Africa?

D: Segun and I have been friends since we were teenagers(we served as executives in church). We used to talk a lot and discovered we were both very interested in Space, so we founded Space Bar Africa in 2021.

F: What's the Goal of Space Bar Africa?

D: When we created Space Bar Africa, our goal was simple- make sure everyone looks through a telescope at least once in their life. By building Space Bar Africa, we have created a community of space lovers and astrologers, educated people, and fueled the dreams of people in love with Space while working towards our initial goal and beyond.

S: We want to create a space for people who are curious about space in Nigeria. We also want to help those interested in star gazing to procure the right kind of equipment because it was really difficult for us to get essentials like telescopes.

Space Roast Event

F: What challenges have you faced so far? Did Tix help you overcome any of these challenges?

D: The preparations for hosting a star gazing event are tedious; finding a rooftop venue, ensuring clear skies and building a community were all demanding. We've used Tix to sell tickets to our events so far, and we sold out our first (and second) event - it was very seamless!

S: I'd say it's the cost of putting together the event.

F: Any advice for beginners trying to create their first event?

S: Ask yourself questions about the goal of your event, then, depending on that goal, decide if the event should be free or paid and how to collect payments. ,

F: What's your favourite Tix Feature?

D & S: The email marketing feature for sure - Our favourite feature is the mail guests feature. Without code and Mailchimp maths, it lets us directly email past attendees for future events.

This is your cue to create that unique event you've been thinking about for a while. There's a ready market, go ahead to create your own sold out event.

Start here
