3 Reasons Why You Need Attendee Data

Event data is really important for understanding the people who have attended their event and how they can plan better in the future. With the rise of e-ticketing, many event organisers are collecting more data than ever. We already know collecting attendee data is super easy with Tix tools (and you should, too), but why exactly do you need this data? We came up with three great reasons to convince you, so keep reading to find out!

- Figure out who your target audience is
By target audience, we mean the people you would love to see at your events. There are numerous segments of people to choose from, and figuring out which segments are the right fit isn't always easy. A great way to find out specific things about your audience is by adding a custom question field to the tickets for your event. This way, you can find out if your attendees live in a certain location, use a particular product, or prefer one service you offer to another.
2. Save time & money on promoting your next event
Digital marketing for events is taking over. This study says that 75% of event creators say email marketing is their most effective event marketing strategy, with about 45% of their tickets being sold via email. Thankfully, ticketing with Tix gives you access to your attendees’ names, emails, and phone numbers right through your sales dashboard. So when you’re planning your next event, you don’t have to start all over to generate new leads, just export that data from your last event!

3. Know how well your last event performed
How many people attended your event? How much money did you make from ticket sales? Event organisers typically ask these questions after their event to determine how well the event performed and how they can do better next time. Lucky for you, all this information is right on your Tix dashboard and can be checked and exported anytime.

Now we’ve spoken a lot about how e-ticketing, and you’re probably wondering if you get all these benefits if you sell some of your tickets at your event venue too. Well, you do. Because the Tix POS offers you an easy way to sell tickets at your event and still get the data you need on your dashboard. We wrote a blog post about the amazing things you can do with the Tix POS and how you can get one, so read all about it here.