6 Hacks to Keep Your Virtual Events Fun and Engaging

6 Hacks to Keep Your Virtual Events Fun and Engaging
Photo by LinkedIn Sales Solutions / Unsplash

Since the global pandemic in 2020, creators are organising more and more virtual events. While the lockdown affected many event creators because they could no longer have live events, some people took advantage of technology and hosted virtual events for their audience.

Virtual events can be very convenient for your audience, but it can also be challenging to keep them engaged from start to finish. A recent survey stated that 49% of marketers say that audience engagement is the most significant contributing factor to having a successful virtual event. This means that event creators have to think creatively to ensure their audience stays active during the event and their event goals are reached.

You’re probably wondering, how can I do this? We’ve got you covered. Check out 6 exciting ways to keep your virtual events fun and engaging:

  1. Add Value

From the topic to the speakers at your virtual event, you have to provide a lot of value to your audience to not only get tons of people to register for your event but also make them stay and listen till the end. Show your audience you have real value or knowledge to give them and they’ll stay super interested in your event.

2.  Gamify

We’re thinking of quizzes, polls, contests and giveaways at intervals during your event. People will always stay till the end and be active if they believe they have something to win during or at the end of your event. Take advantage of this and make prizes a part of the value you offer them.

3.  Let them ask questions.

A good old Q&A will never fail you at a virtual event. Sometimes, you might miss some nuggets in the value you planned to provide, and your audience deserves an opportunity to ask you about them.

4.  Make it personal

If you know a couple of people in the audience, call their names and talk to them. Especially if your event is small and intimate, it’s always a good idea to personalise certain things you say by engaging specifically with some members of your audience.

5.  Utilise breakout sessions

Many virtual meeting/webinar platforms have a breakout room feature that you can utilise. If you break a large audience into small groups for them to discuss more intimately the topic at hand, there’s no way your event won’t be fun and engaging.

6.  Encourage conversation about the event.

Hashtags are a great way to do this. For instance, you can host a Twitter Space and encourage your audience to tweet about the conversation you’re having with a particular hashtag. Another instance is encouraging listeners on Instagram live to drop comments. You’re definitely keeping your audience engaged if they’re constantly talking about your event online while it’s happening.

Well, that’s all, folks! Making sure your virtual audience stays glued to their screens while your event is going on takes innovation and creativity. With so many virtual events these days, it’s up to you to make yours stand out.

Don’t forget to use the Tix Zoom integration for your virtual events to get the best experience for you and your guests.

We’ve also had a couple of super engaging virtual events recently on Twitter and Instagram too! Listen to them here and here, and you might learn a trick or two for your next event!

